How did you marry a JW? Was she baptized when you married her? My wife married me spite all the pressure of the congregation and really she went through hell was shunned and nobody oh the cong ( except 2 ) showed up at our wedding.Before marrying her I told her that se had to accept as I was and she replied;" I do and I want you just to allow me the have my religion."
It seems to me like mentioned in other comments there are two problems;
- your unfaithful wife and the Jws- your children
I am not so optimistic about your marriage but I would start thinking about saving your children and there only one way that you can do that
- birthday parties- all activities at school as other children ( christmas and other things )- hobbies and sports- " normal " friends
So, yes go to the KH so now and then, don't accept a bible study and but most important of all, let your kids have a normal life.